Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Transfer Solutions Inc Creates Translock, a Revolutionary New Product to Help Prevent Transfer Related Falls

The Issue

A senior with her attentdant about to transfer from her wheelchair to her bed.
According to the US Census, approximately 2.8 million people in the United States depend on wheelchairs for mobility assistance. The National Institute of Health reports that 37.9% of wheelchair users experienced a fall at least once in the previous 12 months, and almost half of those who fell suffered fall-related injuries. Studies have shown that adults aged 65 and older are hospitalized for fall-related injuries five times more often than other injuries, and that the average health care cost of a fall injury was $19,440 (not including physician services). Gerontologists have projected the total yearly cost of fall-related expenses to be over $54 billion by the year 2020. Patient transfer accidents can and frequently do result in embarrassment to the patient, psychological trauma to the patient and his family and/or caregivers, serious injuries ranging from concussions to broken bones to internal bleeding, potential caregiver injury, hospital stays, physical and occupational therapy, and prohibitive medical and legal costs. A small percentage of falls are fatal. 

For wheelchair users and their caregivers, transferring to and from the chair is one of the most daunting tasks in living with limited mobility. Wheelchair-bound patients rely on brakes to hold the chair steady when getting in and out of it; however, a major drawback of the brakes is that they only work when used in accordance with a very specific array of cautious shifting and movements. Otherwise, the chair may tip, slide, or move out of range, causing patients to fall, become disoriented, and/or injure themselves or their caregivers. Put simply, brakes tend to be least effective when they are needed most. The Translock™ Stabilizing Device, a revolutionary new product, was created by a wheelchair user – who personally experienced the pain and humiliation of a fall – with the intention to stem the tide of the alarming rise of injuries due to falls associated with patient transfer. With the Translock™, wheelchair users acquire a solid point of connection between wheelchair and bed or toilet to keep the chair - and the patient - securely in place. 

It is usually the simple innovations – such as the paper clip and Post-It note – that are the most successful, and it is precisely this aspect - the simplicity - of the Translock™ that makes it stand out from other new products on the market. It is the only wheelchair-transfer aid of its kind and has the potential to drastically improve the quality of life of the millions of people who use wheelchairs. The complete Translock™ package consists of the main Translock™ latching device, wheelchair attachment and universal bed, toilet, and wall attachments; individual components and additional combinations may be procured separately to suit the needs of every individual or facility. All components are simple, universal products, requiring no assembly, and are easy to install onto any wheelchair, bed, toilet, or wall.

The Translock™

The Translock main locking device
At the center of the system is the Translock™, the main latching device used to join the attachments. The lightweight apparatus is durable and smooth, featuring sanitary antimicrobial construction composition without any sharp edges. Its “lock and dock” mechanism is incredibly easy to use; users simply press the lever or push the latch directly onto the bed, wall, or toilet attachment with gentle pressure. The clamp automatically opens and latches on, providing a firm hold on the wheelchair for the duration of the transfer. 
Translock wheelchair attachment
In situations where the Translock™ is being used with more than one docking attachment, each wheelchair must be equipped with a wheelchair attachment to enable the use of the Translock™. However, if the system is used with only one attachment – for example, the wall attachment – even multiple users may use it without the chair attachment. The Translock™ remains connected to the wall attachment and users may pull their chairs alongside it, allowing the Translock™ to latch directly onto the wheelchair frame. If a single user requires the Translock™ only for bed transfers, the latch may be stationed on the bed attachment and clamped onto the chair frame, eliminating the need for the wheelchair attachment.

The wheelchair attachment is essential for use with more than one attachment and with the toilet attachment. It permits the Translock™ to remain attached to the wheelchair for secure, regular use with any other attachment. The chair attachment clamps firmly onto the front wheel caster of most manual wheelchairs and the Translock™ is slid over its post, where users may swivel it into virtually any position for comfortable, convenient use. As an added benefit, its pivotal design allows the Translock™ to fold unobtrusively back into the wheelchair when not in use, preventing it from catching on other items or bumping into furniture or people.

Bed attachment

The height and pliability of beds, whether hospital or standard, make transferring from chair to bed a challenge. The Translock™ bed attachment may be installed on any typical metal bed frame, even those with half rails. The height-adjustable attachment is crafted of durable, easy-to-clean metal and antimicrobial resin. Its pre-assembled metal bracket is laid along the bed frame and fastened with the included hex screw until the built-in tension indicator displays proper security. The post is then adjusted to desired height, which may be changed easily at any time; it may also be reversed so that the post points downwards, minimizing transfer injuries even further. 
The Translock bed attachment

Toilet attachment

Shower and toilet transfers can be especially difficult due to space constraints and slippery, hard floors and countertops. The Translock™ toilet attachment consists of a bracket and padded clamp that is placed over the toilet rim and tightened with the included nut and wrench. Its metal and resin composition allows for uncomplicated sanitizing with most disinfectants and power washers. Compatible with most standard toilet bowls and toilet risers, the toilet attachment keeps the wheelchair safely docked during transfer in one of the most dangerous places for those with limited mobility. 
The Translock toilet attachmentThe Translock toilet docking attachment

Wall attachment

For transfers to places other than bed and toilet, the Translock™ wall attachment attaches to any flat surface, including wood, metal, and cement. It may be used for transferring to chairs, therapy rooms, pools, outdoor activities, European-style bed frames, and many other locations. The wall attachment consists of a rail bracket and post, similar to the bed attachment, and is height-adjustable as well. Like the other attachments, it is constructed of metal and antimicrobial resin for easy cleaning. 
The Translock wall attachment
A Translock™-equipped facility may avoid the majority of transfer-related fall injuries. A facility with 110 residents, for example, may have 75% of their residents in wheelchairs, 60% of whom need regular assistance with transfer. If each resident requires an average of 8 transfers per day, the facility is providing assistance in 396 wheelchair transfers per day. According to the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, the approximate risk of transfer falls is 17%. The estimated healthcare cost avoidance when this facility uses the Translock™ system can be up to $1,177,831, with the simple installation of a low-cost, modest, but ingenious product.

The system's versatility allows it to be used in home, rehabilitation, assisted living, nursing, medical, and other settings. The Translock™ is fully modular and upgradeable; additional attachments may be added at any time. The innovative Translock™ system is a simple yet brilliant solution to the danger, pain, costs, and damage of falls in the transfer of wheelchair-bound patients. With the Translock™, patients and their caretakers experience a new level of ease, independence, and peace of mind.

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