Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Outfitting Your New Office (Part III)

Lab coat, important medical apparel
Lab Coat
Your office is nearly ready to open! The waiting room, front desk, offices, exam rooms, and lab are furnished and equipped with diagnostic and other necessary tools. The last category of materials needed to get the office running is medical supplies – disposables, lab supplies, cleaning agents, and apparel.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Outfitting Your New Office (Part II)

Ritter UltraClave Autoclave
Last week we guided you through the crucial challenge of furnishing an office. However tastefully designed and furnished, though, the office is worthless without the medical gear and provisions that are essential to the main purpose of the office: to diagnose and treat medical conditions. Now that your office is set up with cabinetry, filing systems, desks, and other fittings, you can begin filling it with the supplies and equipment required to get it running.