Monday, July 16, 2012

Power Chairs vs. Scooters: Which one is for Me? staff contrast the pros and cons of power chairs and scooters for the mobility challenged.

What is the difference between a power chair and a scooter?  Which one is for me?

Power chairs and scooters grant independence and freedom to people with limited mobility. At first glance, it seems that power chairs and scooters are very similar in their characteristics and features.  Both power chairs and scooters have a battery powered motor that drives the unit quickly and smoothly.   The user will not experience physical exertion or fatigue when operating either a power chair or a scooter.   Both devices include a motorized base, a seat, arm rests, wheels and tires, and various accessories.

In truth, there are many basic differences between power chairs and scooters.  Each product is designed to fill the needs of a distinct population in the optimal way.

To determine which mobility vehicle will serve you best, consider your physical abilities, your mobility needs, and your personal preferences.  The environment that you plan to be traversing is also a key factor in choosing the product that will guarantee performance and safety.