Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Do Seat Cushions Really Prevent Pressure Ulcers?

A Review of the Data from Peer Reviewed Sources

As with most medical products, the use of pressure redistributing cushions for the prevention of ulcers or skin breakdown has been carefully scrutinized by the medical community. This article takes a look at the results, conclusions, and recommendations of peer reviewed studies.

Pressure ulcers in the elderly and wheelchair bound occur quite often. A recent survey estimates that between 2.2% and 23.9% of people living in nursing homes are stricken with this debilitating condition.(NPUAP NPUAP. Pressure Ulcers in America: Prevalence, Incidence, and Implications for the Future. Reston, VA: National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel; 2001.) A pressure ulcer easily leads to complications including reduced mobility and infection.

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Close Look at Vision Screeners

An Analysis of the Accuracy and Ease-of-Use of the Most popular Vision Screeners

Most states now mandate schools to perform a vision screening for all new students enrolled and many require annual or biennial checkups. As School Health Officials and nurses scramble to conform with the recently enacted legislation, the need for an accurate vision screening device is becoming increasingly acute. In this article We take a look at the most commonly used screeners and discuss the conclusions of studies done on the accuracy and use of  these devices.
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Friday, June 8, 2012

All About Vital Signs Monitors

An in Depth Discussion on the types of Vital Signs Monitors and their Configurations

In busy hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities worldwide, vital signs monitoring is a crucial element in diagnoses and treatment plans. While they are essential tools in virtually every healthcare facility and medical examination, these monitors can be cumbersome, confusing, and overly expensive, causing healthcare professionals unnecessary frustration.
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